Looming larger than the Nakatomi Plaza
Silverscreen's much anticipated Die Hard 4 movie expo goes live this coming friday, immediately following a launch event and live Q&A with the simply LEGENDARY Bruce Willis.
I think it's safe to say we're all nervously excited about escorting 'Bee Dub' into the metaverse, but he's already shown that he's prepared to get his hands dirty bringing this movie to the masses, so we're hoping for an event every bit as lively and irreverent as the last.
The Q&A itself will be attended by a global audience of 40 digital press and contest-winning die-hard Die Hard fans, who will have the opportunity to put their questions to Bruce (represented in-world by a custom-designed avatar) and to listen to his answers live through Silverscreen's music channel.
Following the Q&A the audience will have the opportunity to take a first glimpse at the Die Hard 4 expo we've created before it opens its doors to the general public.
After the success of "300" it's been a real challenge to take the expo format and adapt it to a new release, at the ever-present risk of repeating ourselves. Fortuitously the fact that this expo goes live almost a month before the movie opens means that we haven't had anything like the same range of audio-visual media to work with, forcing us to take a very different approach for what is, without doubt, a very different movie. Without wanting to ruin the surprise, we're hoping that visitors to the expo will be blown away by some of the sights that greet them, and will once again come in droves to collect the themed freebies and avatar accessories we'll be giving away all over the sim.
If you interested in swinging by think about joining the Die Hard Fans group we've created in-world, and we'll notify you as soon as the expo opens. We'll also be using the group to let you know when we add new content to the expo over the course of its 6-week run, and to announce the winners of contests to win your very own Freightliner Classic big rig, American Eurocopter and F35 Joint Strike Fighter.
For anybody who hasn't seen it yet, I've embedded the international trailer below:
And for anybody who's forgotten what we're talking here:
Yippie kay ay!